What a beautiful day spent in El Salvador. I was able to spend the morning in one of my favorite ways to serve, with children. We learned about Daniel and the Lions, made crafts, sang songs, and played games. The children of El Salvador are filled with so much joy and sheer happiness. Children of El Salvador are truly a blessing to spend time with. They help one another constantly and always ensure everyone is taken care of. They’re gentle and kind to each other, never raising their voice in anger or acting in frustration. The children play together merrily and their goodness radiates through. Last year when we came on this trip, we served in the same community. This has allowed many of us to make special connections with several of the children. Seeing the children when we arrived this week was such a sweet reunion. The children embraced us with sincere smiles and generous hugs. Seeing their glowing faces and a year of growth was such a reminder of how the Lord sustains and provides for His precious children. The children have grown smarter and taller in a year’s time, but their loving disposition remains constant. These children offer so much to us: love, warmth, generosity, and an eagerness to serve alongside us.
After our afternoon meal and siesta, I was able to assist in food and evangelism. This allows us to go into the community and interact with the local people, offering them bags of food and fellow-shipping with them. Through these experiences, we’re able to learn so much about the culture and individuals of El Salvador. They joyfully welcome us into their homes and ensure we have a place to sit. They share with us their praises, concerns, and what is happening in their life. The people here share so freely, and always give glory to God for his goodness in their lives. In all things, they give thanks. The families always express their gratitude for our work and ask us about our home country. It’s an honor to be here with them and learn from them. We always learn more than we teach from these gracious people.
We ended our day worshiping at La Gloria. La Gloria is a special place to many of our team members because we spent time the last two summers working to help build the church. Last summer, we mixed concrete and did a large amount of dirt work. To worship in the church that we played a part in constructing was a Holy experience. We were amazed at the work that has been done since our time here, and thankful the Lord provided the resources and labor for the church to become a place of worship for this community. Knowing the people now have a new place to worship in their community is an abundant blessing to us.
We did not come to El Salvador to bring Jesus for He was, and is, already here. We came to El Salvador to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. In prayer and sincere hearts, we hope that Christ is evident in our words and our actions. We pray we’re able to provide in the ways our brothers and sisters need, to listen to their concerns and their words, to love without hesitation, and to be open to when and how the Holy Spirit moves in this great place. It’s a joy to serve our God in this beautiful country, and for these precious people- we give thanks.
Madii Sowell, Maples Memorial UMC